“Can’t Stop the Flow”: A Glimpse into the Artistic Journey

The world of music videos often feels like a vivid dreamscape, a fusion of music, storytelling, and visual artistry. As the Art Director for Porschia’s gospel music video “Can’t Stop the Flow,” I had the privilege of contributing to this vibrant fusion of creativity.

In this behind-the-scenes glimpse, we’ll explore the dynamic and versatile set designs that brought Porschia’s vision to life. From the conceptual drawings to the final music video, the project’s transformation is nothing short of mesmerizing.

Conceptualization and Collaboration

Our journey began with a concept – creating interchangeable sets and wardrobe concepts for a gospel singer. Porschia’s “Can’t Stop the Flow” needed to convey a powerful message and vibrant energy. The collaboration between Wilson Randall, Jr. (Director), Daniel Friedberg (Director of Photography), and myself as the Art Director was pivotal in bringing this vision to reality.


Streets, Warehouses, and Studios

The music video was a tapestry woven from diverse locations. The streets of Savannah, Georgia, provided an urban backdrop, capturing the raw and unfiltered essence of the song’s message. Warehouses lent a sense of grit and authenticity to the scenes, and studio spaces allowed us to play with imagination.

Dancing in a Warehouse, Singing on the Streets

One of the standout moments was capturing a little girl dancing in a warehouse. Her energy and enthusiasm brought a heartwarming touch to the video. Porschia herself, the gospel artist behind the project, sang her heart out on the streets, surrounded by a string of crystals that added a touch of mystique and elegance to the scene.

Futuristic Studio Set

The studio set was a marvel, where three futuristic versions of Porschia, singing in harmony, came together. It was an exciting challenge to create a visually captivating space that elevated the music’s message.

The “Can’t Stop the Flow” music video is a testament to the power of collaboration and the boundless possibilities of set design and scenic painting. It’s a reminder that every location, every prop, and every wardrobe choice plays a role in conveying the heart of a song.

As the Art Director, this project allowed me to blend my skills in scenic painting, set dressing, and art direction, weaving them into the visual tapestry that tells Porschia’s story. It’s a journey of creativity, imagination, and dedication, and I am grateful to have been a part of it.

Take a moment to explore the images of the concept art and the final music video project, and you’ll witness the transformation of an idea into a visual masterpiece, where art and music unite to create something truly remarkable.

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