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If you have an exciting project, opportunity, or introduction you’d like to discuss, I’m eager to connect. Book an appointment now to explore how we can collaborate and bring your vision to life. I look forward to the possibilities ahead and working together on something extraordinary!

Recent projects

Below are some samples of recent projects. Let them inspire and I look forward to what your next project will develop.

“Can’t Stop the Flow”: A Glimpse into the Artistic Journey

The world of music videos often feels like a vivid dreamscape, a fusion of music, storytelling, and visual artistry. As the Art Director for Porschia’s gospel music video “Can’t Stop the Flow,” I had the privilege of contributing to this…

Exploring the Art of Set Design in “Fahrenheit 451”

Set design is an often-overlooked aspect of the theater, but it plays a crucial role in creating the world in which a story unfolds. Working as an assistant to production designer Hal Tine during pre-production photography for the stage play…